If you own a business-to-business (B2B) company, the ability to generate new leads is crucial to driving growth and success. The internet offers numerous opportunities to generate many B2b lead generation tools. Creating B2B leads online is a difficult and competitive task for any marketer. To develop an effective strategy, you must employ various digital tactics.
Nowadays, lead generation can be accomplished in various ways, particularly in B2B. But to do so at scale, you will need to invest in automated lead generation software. Depending on the application, B2b lead generation tools can be inbound and outbound.
10 Top Lead Generation Tools for B2B Marketers
1. Feedly– Good marketing content adds value to your readers’ lives. Keeping up with news and updates improves your sense of finding value. Feedly comes in handy by aggregating valuable content from multiple sources and keeping you informed at all times.
2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator- This tool is for you if you use LinkedIn to connect with B2B audiences. You can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to target specific people and companies, track leads, and engage with prospects. It also includes advanced lead and company searches to help you find the best prospects. The platform will even suggest leads based on your preferences. This is ideal for locating the right contacts within target accounts. Furthermore, it integrates with your CRM platform.
3. SlideShare- Creating informative visual content is essential for increasing visibility in the B2B community. This is why SlideShare is such an effective tool for B2B marketers. You’ve probably seen more than a few Slide Shares. It’s an excellent platform for showcasing your industry knowledge. Use it to educate your audience on a particular issue, topic, or solution. It can also be supplemental content for a webinar, video, or blog post.
4. Quora- Leads can sometimes come from unexpected places. Quora provides an excellent opportunity to do two things: increase visibility and traffic. Quora is helpful because you can ask and answer questions on it.
5. Google Ads – Following a competitor’s outage, Internet traffic optimization company Constellix launched a Google Ads campaign to target affected people, incorporating phrases from reviews and forums into its ad copy.
6. Webinars- Webinars show off your knowledge and product quality. Every time you host a webinar, you pitch to new leads while nurturing existing ones. This is an excellent way to connect your company with potential customers online.
7. OptinMonster- With the most powerful conversion optimization toolkit on the web, you can quickly grow your email list, get more leads, and increase sales. Incorporate OptinMonster into your digital marketing company services as a marketing strategy to improve lead generation.
8. Boomerang for Gmail – Boomerang is a Gmail extension for scheduling emails. It’s also useful to deliver emails back to your inbox if you don’t receive a response from the person you messaged. For instance, if the individual does not respond within two days, you can return the email to your inbox. This aids the organization when following up with prospects.
9. MailChimp- MailChimp is one of the most popular and user-friendly email marketing platforms available today. Its simple, drag-and-drop email builder is one of its best features. Email automation is also available from MailChimp.
10. Live chat- Guillaume Moubeche, CEO of automated outreach email platform Lemlist, stated that live chat is typically used for B2B lead generation, with digital marketing company services for customer representatives delivering more than 11,000 messages per month, making it the company’s best-performing lead generation channel. Lemlist converts around 30% of these site visitors by focusing on customer experience.
The primary goal of B2b lead generation tools is to develop a system. It collects information from potential customers and begins to build a relationship between the lead you’re aiming for and your company. These various lead-generation tools can be used independently or in tandem. The best tool will incorporate all the above in some form or another. The important thing is that they all increase your company’s online visibility and convert your digital audience into leads.
Source: - https://protechtrust.com/technology/top-10-b2b-lead-generation-tools-for-marketers